Overseas Performance

●Concert Tour to Europe (every year)
 Theater concerts, outdoor festivals, international music festivals and etc.

   e.g. 1 Demonstrative performance 20 minutes
   e.g. 2 Concerts of 40-75 minutes
   e.g. 3 Concerts of 120 minutes(2 stages pattern and etc.

●Guest Performance at Jakarta Japan Club Summer Festival in Indonesia
  (Now ceased due to terrorism precaution)

 Jakarta Taiko Club (the leader is an old student of Oedo Sukeroku Taiko) is
 actively practicing and performing in Indonesia.

●Invited performance at museums abroad   
  e.g. 1998-99 Wahington National Museum of art, 2002 Portland City Museum

●Government despatch
  e.g. 2003 Japan-ASEAN friendship year (Laos, Myanmer and Brunei),        
    2007Japan-India Friendship year

Please inquire details to Oedo Sukeroku Taiko office